Safeguarding Our Customers

Scam Alert – Avoid The Top 5 Facebook Scams

Avoid The Top 5 Facebook Scams Online scammers may be unscrupulous, manipulative, and deceitful, but they're also smart. They know where to find victims for their schemes to steal valuable data, identities, and money. One of the richest sources of unsuspecting targets is Facebook because so many people use it to share so much personal information. But these ploys can only work if you cooperate by clicking on their fraudulent messages. There are numerous ways for scammers to "getcha" on Facebook. Here are a few of the most common "don't click" scenarios:
  1. Profile Views and Blocks. You may see a message promising access to information about who has viewed your profile or who has blocked you from their profile. In reality, this information never has been and never will be available to Facebook users.

  2. Profile Color Change. Facebook doesn't provide a way to change the color of your profile but these messages claim you can do just that. Don't fall for it!

  3. Free Items. This scam's messages promise you will receive free gift cards, tickets, clothing, electronics, and other items if you complete a survey. You won't.

  4. Facebook Security. As with your email account, you should never respond to supposed security representatives asking for your login credentials. Once they can get into your account, scammers can create any number of serious problems.

  5. Celebrity News. Gossip messages about the rich and famous — including fake death notices, sex tapes, and other "OMG" type stories — are used as click bait. Steer clear!
As time goes on, Internet scammers are becoming more sophisticated, and so should you.

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